Saturday, December 12, 2009

Kelly Payne, Older Step Sister or Younger Aunt

Kelly Payne has been around the Spanking Community as long as I can remember. She reminds me of the Ultimate Older Stepsister, ready to Pinch Hit for the Stepmother at a moment a Younger Step Brother or Sister needs some Domestic Punishment. Or the Younger Aunt you are sent to stay with if Mother thinks you need a Strong Hand to stop you from going astray. In the pictures and videos I have seen of her, it shows she is very dilligent in her task and really puts her arm into it.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Lina, The Chief Vixen Lady of my Dreams

Lina of Vixen Ladies is all I could ever ask for in a Strict Lady. Classy Looks coupled with a Strict Manner and a Body that is Fantastic. Classy in Dress as well. A Man's or Ladies Bum gets her undivided Attention untill the Job is Done. I used to have a Community Colleage Teacher who taught Bookeeping that could have passed for Lina's Twin Sister. She could Scold an Adult like a Child, but be funny and helpful if you were a Good Student and did your Homework. I hope you like the pictures I have chosen to Blog here today out of the many I have, of Lina, a Strict Ladies-Strict Lady.

A Casual Maintenence Spanking Night.

That Special Night of the Week has arrived. A Regular Maintence Spanking is at Hand. Both Spanker and Spankee know the Event will go easier if things are kept Casual. First the Spankee prepares herself. A little Wine to Calm the Erotic Jitters. Then she is Prepared by the Spanker. A Comfortable Position for both Spanker and Spankee is Assumed. A Good Spanker know's the Spankee's tolerences and keeps within them. The spanks are regular and even in delivery. The Spankee comports herself in a co-operative way to make the Event go Smoother so the next part can be more pleasent.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Strict Lady Fantasy

A Strict Lady Fantasy, is in Order for Today. I once heard a
Commanding Lady need, Never Demand Respect, her very Stature and
Presence, Deem Her Worthy of It. A Worthy Strict Lady is not a Bitch
or a Nagger but A Lady who get's Compliance through Her Nature and Her
Firm but Never Angry Punishments. Only Strict when you need it but, Fun
Loving, Caring and Adventuress the Rest of the Time.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

David, A FM Timex Watch!!!

David, of NuWestLeda Fame, has to be a Wonder in his Own Right!!! You
could refer to him as either the Timex Watch, that took a Licking and
kept on Ticking, or the Energizer Bunny that just kept Going and Going.
I have seen a lot of photo's and some video's where Some of the Best
Lady Spanker's have given him Lap Time or had him Horsed over a
Spanking Block. These were not Vanilla Shoot's, Those Ladies sure Gave
it to Him. From the Teepee in the front of his Shorts during his
initial Scolding till they were finished with him, I believe he earned
every cent, Ed Lee ever Paid him. If there ever was a Hall of Fame for
FM Spkng then David would get my Vote for Entry. I have not seen any
recent shoots with him so maybe he retired, but I doubt he did much,
Sitting, on his Laurles. "lol".

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Young Strict Landlady!!!

A light was broke, or maybe the TV, a little loud last night. Whatever the reason, you agreed when moving in, that you would abide by Her Rules. You know she enjoy's putting you through your paces, when you have been naughty. The extra care she takes with her appearence and the way she donates the whole evening just for you and your naughtiness. The carefull way she prepares you, Scolding but not Angry. You are excited about what lay's in Store but she dos'nt let on she notices you Erect. Your Bottom is lightly rubbed and you are told to relax your Bum Cheeks. It is Now Time for Your Landladies Justice!!!