First thing Monday morning, and what to my wondering eyes do appear. but one of the best FM Spanking Pic's, I have seen in a while. A middle aged attractive Lady dispencing Domestic Justice on a younger man who no doubt went out of his way to deserve it. "RANT"., I strongly dislike seeing Attractive Ladies dolling out good Hand Spankings to Fat Older Men who could not get a Woody with a gallon of starch and an erector set. It makes, Our Thing, seem like sleezy pornography. This picture captures her interest in doing the job well, and shows only enough of the male receiving it to fire our imagination rather then having it come crashing down by him having wrinkles and grey hair. I recognize the Lady Spanker as being one of the Vixen Ladies. A very Good Group of sites with attractive ladies and sometimes really good male's on the receiving end. I recently came upon some Male/Male spanking pictures and although that venue does nothing for me, I was amazed at the younger males on the receiving end. They looked old enough to stay this side of the child porn laws but still young enough to be ideal models for sites like Vixen Ladies or Strict Ladies to turn out some Great Picture sets and video's. Oh well, maybe in the future, someone will come up with a site like that. Have to get ready to face the week. Accountomax
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