You enter your Ladyship's presence. A small smile is on her face. There is a dryness in the back of your Throat. She points to your pants and gives a small shake of her head as she points to them, then to the floor. Her rule is explicit, you must stay in position across her lap and keep your bottom muscles relaxed at all times. In a calm voice she restates your naughtiness and how many smacks it has earned you. To heighten the suspence you must stand before her as she slowly applies hand lotion to her hands as she Boldly looks at your nakedness. Now is the time, she draws you over her lap. Your Ladyship takes her time to adjust you across her lap. You brace yourself but then remember the Rule. You know if you take this Spanking well then the Hand Lotion will be used to massage the Sting out of your Well Spanked Bottom. Your Moment is at Hand!!!
Yes I just love pictures like those and have many of them. That glossy lap awaits and her pure femininity belies the fact she's about to turn you over her knee and turn your tender bottom bright red.