The thick door groans open. A woman inmate is led into a room by two Lady Corrections Officers. This room is meant for only one purpose, to teach Good Behaviour. Present are the Prison Nurse, the Social Worker, The Prison Warden and the Punishment Officer who will carry out the Punishment. The inmate is led over to stand in front of the Lady Warden and the Infraction charge is read out. She will receive Twenty Five Strokes of the Punishment Implement. The inmate is then prepared for the Punishment. Her Bottom is stripped bare. She is carefully positioned for her ordeal. She is restrained from escaping her just punishment. The Punishment Officer steps behind her and starts to apply an oily mixture to her bottom cheeks that will prevent lasting damage and help in the healing process. The Inmate is warned that any abusive language will cause her punishment to be extended. The Prison Nurse comes to stand by her head. The Social Worker bades the inmate to be Brave and Contritely accept her coming punishment. All is now ready. The Punishment Officer begins her Just task. The first few strokes bring only low moans from the inmate whose dignity has been stripped bare. But by the tenth stroke her screams and wails reverberate off the thick walls of the room. This task is not hurried, as a Valuable Lesson must be taught. by the twelfth stroke she is begging for her ordeal to end. She is not heard by these people, as they realize the Value of the Lesson being taught.
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