She is without a doubt, the Love of my Life. Anne is 9 years older then me and sometimes my friends kid me about it. But I am in Praise of Older Women. Last night I was late by 25 minutes in picking her up after work, so when we got to her house I was called to account. She usually takes a shower right after work so I was taken right to her bedroom where she took me over her knee and gave me a Hand Spanking on my smoothed out Jockey Shorts. Then she Bared my Bum Cheeks and undressed to her Bra and Panties. I was ordered back over her knee for another 25 Hand Spanks given in a slow measured pace. After she had given me that she took off her Bra and Panties and made me kneel on the bed. She milked me slowly as she told me what she wanted me to do for her Erotic Satisfaction. I then had to get the Cane out of the Front Closet for Ten Strokes with me Bent over the Bathroom Sink, she told me to Watch through the Shower Stall's Frosted Glass as Anne showered. Even though I had just been drained it was not long before my Lower Brain began Standing Up and Watching too. Accountomax
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