My Step Sister has a Rule, if I am Naughty when she is acting as House Mother while our Parent's are on vacation, then I must Pay the Price!!! First I must present myself to her in a Contrite Manner. My temperature is taken by a Rectal Thermometer. She positions me for a Slow Hand Milking. I must not release my Passion Juice until she permits it. Then I must assume a Spanking Position of her choice. My usual Spanking lasts for at least Fifty Smack's. While she applies the Spank's, I must not Yell or Carry On in a Loud Manner. When she has finished making my Bum Cheek's Glow and I have pleased her with my accepting manner then I am Milked again. After, I must use my tounge to Give her the Gift of Orgasmic Delight!!!
The above was Part of One of my First Spanking Stories that Janus published in 1969.